APHA Delegate – Shawn Rossi

Shawn Rossi

Shawn Rossi, DHA, FACHE is Vice President of Communication & Member Engagement for the Mississippi Hospital Association. She serves on the MPHA Board of Directors as the MPHA Affiliate Representative to the APHA Governing Council. She was elected to this position in November 2024.

Dr. Rossi has worked in her capacity for the Mississippi Hospital Association since Oct0ber 2000. She is responsible for communication and membership services and engagement for the association, including marketing, e-newsletters, online communities, web site, social media, public relations, media relations, member relations, and member engagement. She began as director of communications and was then promoted to vice president for marketing & public relations and then vice president for education & public relations.

She holds a Doctor of Health Administration from the University of Mississippi Medical Center and an MA from the University of Southern Mississippi.